About us

Global Economic Observer is a peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to economic studies. Published by the Institute for World Economy and Nicolae Titulescu University from Romania, its managing editors are Andreea – Emanuela Drăgoi from the Institute for World Economy of the Romanian Academy and Maria Grigore from Nicolae Titulescu University of Bucharest.

The mission of Global Economic Observer is to foster sustainable economic practices to guide policies and strategies that are essential for long-term global economic health. Our journal focus on interdisciplinary research to provide comprehensive solutions to complex global economic challenges. The journal’s commitment to exploring emerging topics, such as geopolitical changes and green development, ensures that contemporary and future economic challenges are adequately addressed.

Global Economic Observer serves as a platform for substantial research and knowledge in economics. The journal is published bi-annually with open access, featuring papers that discuss modern developments in economic sciences, emphasizing the need for inter and multidisciplinary approaches. It boasts a broad scientific board comprising esteemed researchers and professors from the European Union (EU) and Romania, and is open to academics and researchers worldwide, including those from emerging economies such as China and India. Recommended topics cover a range of issues including economic development policies, globalization, EU integration, financial crisis management, environmental issues, and international trade and investment. Authors are encouraged to adopt multifaceted approaches and address diverse subjects such as geopolitical changes, pandemic and post-pandemic economic evolutions, green development, circular economy, and financial European integration.

Global Economic Observer advocates a holistic approach, having published relevant and contemporary topics throughout the past decade (from 2013 to present). The journal is committed to analyzing the challenges of the global economy and building robust knowledge about the conditions necessary for creating a sustainable and competitive worldwide economy. Its mission is to strengthen the methodological development of professional practices in economics, including foresight, scenario planning, and horizon scanning, while encouraging research interest in emerging significant questions affecting the future global economic order.

The scientific board welcomes contributions from scholars aiming to create an interdisciplinary forum for topics and issues that align with the journal’s aims and scope. These contributions should adopt innovative presentational strategies while fulfilling the journal’s criteria. All papers undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review process and are published promptly upon final acceptance.